Mendo Pt II: Day 7- Snow in Mendo.


What you’ve missed;
I got the opportunity to go back to the farm in Mendocino I was working on for a week back in November and again in December. I’m housesitting the house of a very trusting and inspiring woman while getting in some farm time as well as making some money before I slowly make my way back to New York.

for the last 3 days, I’ve been snowed in, I didn’t hate it.
I do have a tendency of being very social, but I actually really REALLY value my alone time… so things like random acts of nature like snow storms or even just rain will encourage me to stay in and recharge my batteries, both internal and camera, guilt free.

Obviously feeling guilty for needing rest is kind of silly, but I still feel it. I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one. So during this downtown, I’ve been listening to music, tending to things of the planty sort, staring out the window, listening to Shantaram on an audiobook and keeping my camera handy. I’m in a strange space so everything is being seen with new eyes. Maybe thats why I’ve always felt the need to travel.. to be in a strange space so I can be excited every time I open my eyes. There’s something new to learn… like how many logs I can go thru in one day.. or relearning my morning routine.

While this crazy snow storm dumped between 10-14 inches snow in the area, I stayed quite cozy and warm. I feel super fortunate to have this amazing space for one and to have work to do so I can continue to do what I am doing.
The last few days I had been putting in some hours an I was psyched to get to more time in, but the storm had not only knocked down trees but also some cell towers. Coordinating the day was not easy and the day of work turned into a catch up day.
Lately, I’ve been trying to make sure to pick up my camera at least once a day, even if it’s just to run out for a second to capture the sunset. When I go outside in the morning to turn on the generator or walk outside to get more firewood, I’d make sure to have my camera with me. So today I took the opportunity to take some photos as well as edit the ones I had taken the last couple days.

So here’s some of a faves. <3

P.S. Sorry for the random ramble. Today I didnt feel like writing and instead just wanted to post photos. Would you be offended if I just shoved my photos in your face without saying anything? Comment below.